What Are You Choosing??

What are you choosing in your every day world?
Surrender lower vibrational forms of thinking that limitations are real, that you are not good enough, that you can’t see how.
We live in an infinite ocean of infinite possibilities and potential.
You are suppose to live, follow and love from your heart. Believe in self.
Let the Universe know the how!
When we limit ourselves through our 5 senses to what is real or possible we have to remind ourselves that we do that through filters of lack, our beliefs, our points of view, programs, our perceptions and even our ego and that don’t always support us.
We forget that we are Consciousness that is One with the Source of all that is.
So by thinking and feeling I can’t, I’m not good enough, I don’t see etc then that is what the Universe responds to.
The Universe or otherwise known as the Field does not understand words or thoughts – it only understands vibrations which starts with a thought that leads to an emotion or feeling which creates a vibration.
The Universe always responds.
As you think, act and feel you will receive.
I am choosing Self Love, Love, Joy, Bliss, Gratitude, Passion, Health and Abundance.
What are you choosing?