What is Your Soul

Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart.
Who looks outside, dreams: who looks inside awakes.
– Carl Jung
Since I have started a series on Whispers from Your Soul – I thought I better do a post on Soul – and it ain’t no getting down and dancing or southern food 🙂
Our Soul is the immortal part of us.
The higher vibration of us.
Connecting with your soul is essentially discovering your true inner being. With that, you are able to align with your purpose, do what you love to do and spend your time in the energy of joy and love.
Your soul is always there for you to connect with, you don’t need to reach a certain stage of enlightenment or spend hours meditating – your soul is always there waiting to connect more.

I share it like this – we are Consciousness – part of the One (Creator, Source, Divine, Infinite Awareness etc) that wanted to have an experience. We as individuated vibrations of an unique frequency of the One came through to planet earth while putting on a human body suit, stepping through the veil of amnesia to the illusion of separation to have an experience in this game called life.
When we return as consciousness – what will matter the most of this experience here?
How much were you able to give and be love and therefore also be able to receive love.

To take off that veil and see through the illusion.
Kind of like Neo in the Matrix 🙂
We were not meant to live this experience in vibrations of stress, anger, judgments, fear, poverty or isolation. Yes they are experiences yet not being chosen consciously, when one is not connected to their Soul.
Soul connection is living from your heart not your head.
Think, Feel, Speak, Eat, Touch all from Vibrations of Love, Joy, Bliss & Gratitude (aka Orgasmic Living & Being) – your Soul knows higher vibrations very well and the more we are in those vibrations, the easier it is to connect with, be guided by and communicate with your Soul.
Your Soul Knows!!
Photography by Jodi Burke & Sandra Wagman