Where Have I Been?

Here I Come!


It’s been an interesting start to 2016 – and if you follow me at all, have noticed I have been posting much less on social media and even my blog has sat with no entries for a little while.

In December I turned 50, had a beautiful and quiet birthday yet fun with my beloved.

In February I decided to head down to Florida for a couple of weeks to visit my dad and step mom for their birthdays. I ended up spending a month there and totally unplugged and hung out at the pool many afternoons, with a little walking, some bike riding and a little yoga – but that was mostly it.

I sat and did very little.  It was an interesting time in my life – reflecting – not that turning 50 is bad but I realized that half my life had passed by, and fast!! My kids were off travelling, my dog is getting old and slowing down (13 now) and I got to thinking was I truly living, being and doing what I truly wanted to be doing.  How did I spend most of my first 50 years and what did I want to be doing? Where did I want to be living and how?

Health has always been important to me, and I also have shared that I have had my own struggles with things.  I looked at where I’ve been in my past and where I am now and where I wanted to go.  That is the cool thing about life – you are either growing or decaying, there really is no standing still.  Even though time may pass, what had changed for me?  A whole bunch of things for sure but I still wanted to expand and take it even further.  There are many places I want to visit, many friends I haven’t met yet, many photographs I have not shot yet, unmade recipes, beaches unwalked, business growth not yet experienced, workshops not yet taken, words not yet spoken and art not yet created.

There was still a lot of living to be done!!

I also looked at things I struggled with in my life, my love for eating and feeling healthy, my programming, my desire for more creativity, more photography, more yoga, more travel and how I could combine it all – I am just not a one size fits all type of girl – I want to squeeze more juice out of life!! I want more living!!  And I want to be able to share some of my journey, my story so that maybe just maybe it makes a difference in someone’s life!

I’ve really been diving into programming, confidence, my soul, what makes my heart sing, why we are here, intentions, energy, the universe and man I could go on.

It’s been an interesting few months!!

All I can say is I am back, there will be more inspiration, photographs, rants, stories, laughter, love and yes still some recipes just not the focus.

So I do hope you’ll hang around for more and if you like what you see share.

Looking forward to more of this journey in this game we call life!!



3 Responses

  1. You may also look at amazingmolecules.com

    I love your podt! This was the most honest recounting of someone journey of just being. Look forward to you sharing more.

    Please look at what has me most passionate about sharing. God blessed me by putting this in my journey’s path. I have had a complete positive reversal of so much I wanted and needed to do for my health, wellbeing, direction, purpose and passion.

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    Please know even your parents struggles will be greatly effected. It will give you confidence your health will not follow as theirs have. Bless you, mo green
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