Why Do You Eat?

Picking Real Fresh Avocados


Have you ever really stopped and asked yourself ‘why do I eat?’

Is it for fun, entertainment or nourishment?

What do you eat?

By that I mean have you been programmed to eat according to what the Standard American Diet is – S.A.D………….hmmmmm and I wonder who is behind that one (as in marketing it), cause once you know or understand real health, real food, optimum nutrition its nothing but a lie.

Do you buy and eat what is advertised on tv or anywhere else?

Have you ever stopped and asked yourself who is behind that as well?? I mean do you feel, think or believe it’s for real health or profit?

Consider this – if it’s made in a plant don’t eat it or if it has a commercial don’t eat it?

What do you do when you eat? Do you sit down and limit your conversation so you can focus on chewing and what you are eating or do you gobble it up, talking intensively, are on your phone either talking, texting or surfing, watching tv or on your computer?

How do you even know what you’ve eaten, what it tastes like or when you are full?

Does it make a difference?

Try it for a few days even  a week and you decide…………….it’s called Conscious Eating – or being fully present!!

Did you know that our made man foods these days (as in packaged foods) have over 10 000 chemicals in them, many which are addictive ones to keep you wanting more and coming back eating more – hence you are eating and get full but your body wants more, your body is hungry………ever experience that?

It’s because you are eating empty foods and your body is literally starving.

That is why eating real food is important to add in to your way of eating.

Eating a Delicious Raw Dish


We need to fuel and honour our bodies like we do the tv, computer, our nails, our clothes, our phones, our hair, our trucks or cars………they may be pretty or flashy or even expensive but if we don’t have our health or our bodies what good are they?

Some Food for Thought and yes pun intended!! 🙂


Eat Healthy

Live Well

Create a Life YOU Love

and that includes Loving YOU too!!




Ps – While travelling around Florida we were in St Petersburg yesterday and found a quaint little Raw Vegan Restaurant – we don’t eat out often as we are picky and only want healthy, clean, vibrant, real food so we make our own almost always.  But we decided to see what was in the area and take a chance – Oh my!!! Probably some of the best raw foods I have ever eaten so if you are in the area go to Leafy Greens Cafe – you will NOT be disappointed!!

This is the Marinated Portabella Mushroom with Brushetta Topping!

Raw Food – Leafy Greens Cafe