Why We do Yoga

Why We do Yoga came to me after a Temazcal one night in Mexico – Mexican sweat load ceremony.
After the ceremony and back home, I was sitting out on the patio in a chair hammock slowly moving around, it was dark and the stars were out, there was a gentle warm breeze on my skin and I could hear the pounding of the waves in the distance. Out of nowhere this idea came.
As I was in my teacher training I was asking myself it at a deeper level as well. For me it started off as a personal journey – and it’s incredible how it fit into my life at the perfect time for what I was moving through.

When I started doing some research on the internet I knew immediately why this came to me.
The Yoga matt is where many people – mostly women but men too, come to further judge, compare, beat themselves up – not good enough, can’t do that pose, I’m not wearing the right clothing, I’m not thin enough etc
We need to stop this insanity.
This is only a glimpse – my persceptive on why I do Yoga – you will hear many other reasons.

For me now Yoga has become more – since deepening the connection with myself, my mind, body soul and breath.
Since that moment sitting out that night I started sharing this idea – this book – with other Yogi’s and they kept saying Yes to it, to be part of it!
We all have different journey’s, perspectives, lives, stories, beliefs and awareness and that is why I knew it needed to have as many Yogi’s share as possible.
I have had the incredible privilege to meet some of the most beautiful, amazing, heart centred and present Yogi’s / people since embarking on this project.

I spent the last several days going through the photos that I have been able to shoot and capture some beautiful moments – for that alone I am honoured. I have photographed over 50 Yogi’s and I then reached out to others who I knew would be a huge contribution to this book as well yet we were miles away.
Why We do Yoga is a book that will be out first in kindle format very soon like as in May!!

My wish and hope is that through one of these amazing Yogi’s that a seed will be planted, a deeper understanding or awareness of of why you do do Yoga.
Maybe you don’t do Yoga – yet, maybe you do a little, maybe you do a lot – I promise you there will be something in this book for you!

Stay tuned as it will be out shortly and Please feel free to share this with anyone.
With so much Love, Gratitude and Consciousness