Why Work From Home??

Some people have that dream, some don’t and some don’t care either way – Most people though want more out of life but may be scared to make the changes needed.

Why work from home

I have had the pleasure of working on my own for several years now, but most of that was still trading time for money – I had my own little day spa, direct sales business, some teaching and coaching clients in EFT, healthy eating and Raw Foods, then I had a car accident that really woke me up to the fact if I can’t work well I don’t get paid  especially if I have my own business.

During some of that time I also dabbled yes dabbled in a few Network Marketing companies – made some money, lost some money, had some success, had some failures too, made some great friends, had some good experiences and learned a lot!!

I lost site of my dreams for awhile, life got in the way and so did a lot of crap – have to be honest here as my road hasn’t been paved all with roses lol

One day a fairly new friend asked me a couple of powerful questions that started me on the journey of not only getting back into Network Marketing but discovering who I really am and be.

This is what she asked me –

If time or money were not an issued – would you be doing and living like you are now?

If you had a monthly income of $50 000 – who would you be that you are not being now?

Do you have your Dream job with your Dream pay?

Are you living your Dream life?

If not for any of those, why not?   – which to all was a BIG FAT NO!!!!

And I couldn’t answer why not – this is life, this is a good as it gets and I’ve tried before I kind of half muttered back to her.

Really?? was all she answered ( and it wasn’t even about Network Marketing at the time)

Sounds like you are giving up or settling, is that true?  Which made me stop and ponder, as she was totally right.

Holy crap – she might have just smacked me across the face!! lol

I went through a very stressful time shortly before that conversation – having been an affiliate of a company and also working for them that got shut down without any notice – I lost both incomes, as the same time I was moving to new city where I knew no one and splitting up with my husband – ouch!!

I knew things had to change and it had to start with me if I wanted to create a different story – a better one for my life – and my kids.

Is working from home for everyone possibly, can everyone do it? It’s totally up to you – it does take time, effort and stepping out of one’s comfort zone, for some  learning new skills, creating relationships, believing in themselves, the product and company.

For me, I have always loved to have my freedom – not punching a clock for someone else, being told what I am worth, when I have to work, take a break or if I can attend my kids events.  I am lucky but also have worked for it.  If you have never considered the profession and you are unhappy with your current situation maybe it’s time.

I know for myself I couldn’t go back to being an employee or my old ways – so is it worth it? For me a BIG FAT YES!!!

For YOU?  Only You can decide that, and I will follow up with some good things to look for in a company, why I choose the one I did and more of my journey as I am getting closer to my dreams and dream life!!.

If you want to know more about why this profession is a better way check out Eric Worre’s latest book Go Pro – 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional, he explains it well and some of the skills needed for success!!

Make it a great day!!!


If you are or have been looking to work from home – you can check out my page.