Why We do Yoga is Now on Amazon

It’s true! Why We Do Yoga is now available on Amazon kindle. Later this year it will be out in hard copy and it’s also available on my site in ebook fashion!
My intention behind this book was to create great awareness of why we do, you do, one does Yoga.
I know for myself it has transformed over the years and I don’t think I truly came to the mat with the right intention, space or even attitude as I was a busy person and doing, doing, doing. I wanted to truly get into a meditative state as I knew intuitively I needed it yet couldn’t get there.
As I have also shared it was such an honour to meet many of these Yogi’s, photograph them, talk with them, share stories or converse via email for ones further away – I have been touched by them all at a deep level.
How they shared their why’s and the pose they have chosen goes beyonds words – I keep hearing it’s touching people on a deeper level and opening their eyes up or wanting to go to the mat and go deeper in their practice or even start one!!
The first person who read the book and called me was the impact I was hoping this book would have – it made it all worth it even if it only touches one person!!
Yet I know it will touch many more!!
Here are a few from the book!

I do yoga to slow down my body and mind. As a type A person I am always on the go – from serving to training and coaching I am always moving my body – and my mind runs a long with it. Inner peace, appreciation and a heightened clarity is what yoga gifts me. Yin/Restorative yoga is my favourite.
Andrea Lewis (aka healthchick)

Yoga continues to make me feel connected to the world and inspires me to give back as much as I can. Whether sharing the physical benefits with practitioners or the confidence opportunities with aspiring yoga teachers, I feel honored and blessed that I discovered
this practice when I was 19.
Gabriel (GabeYoga) Azoulay
Photo Credit: Adham Sahawneh
Why We do Yoga – Deb Krejci
Yoga is the only thing that encompasses everything in one form of exercise for me. It builds muscle, enhances stamina, physical rehabilitation of injuries, and stress reduction to name a few of the important benefits. Plus, it makes you want to do better. To be better. To be the best version of you that you can be. On and off the mat. It’s the shit basically.
Debbie Krejci

Yoga for me is my direct relationship with Source or Creator. This connection to source that I find in my breath is the most important, nourishing, self loving act throughout my day. In order for me to enjoy a clear and centered relationship with any one or anything else, my yoga practice is essential.
Robin Clements
Photo Credit: Tomas Rohner
See what I mean!!??

You will not be disappointed!
Here is the link on Amazon
With much Gratitude