Your Light

Don’t you know yet? It’s your light that lights the world!!
Don’t let negativity and darkness dissolve your light!
Each time your embrace the truth of who you are, you bring a little more light into the world!
– unknown
The Soul has no secret that the behaviour does not reveal.
– Lao Tzu

IN this game called life we have been fed many lies, for instance that our genes play a role in disease, weight etc but in fact they only play 1% of that role – the rest is environment. In other words our genes adapt. They are liquid crystals – anyone who loves crystals knows the properties of them – so in our bodies our genes our liquid crystals – totally programmable – so what are you programming them with?? They also affect our DNA – can’t wait to share more on that – mind blowing but fun!
Chemicals from foods and vaccines? Negative or low vibing emotions like stress, dread, judgments (of self and others) or fear etc, drugs,tv and news, little to no body movement, little to no connection with nature or sunshine…………I could go on

Eating real foods – that aren’t processed or full of chemicals, use more natural forms of healing like homeopathy, herbs, essential oils etc, live in emotions of much Gratitude, Love, Joy and Bliss as you are truly on your path and connected with your Soul and Source, walk, do Yoga or hike, bike etc, spend time in nature either walking, hiking or growing a garden as some examples and walk barefoot in nature – one of the best ways to ground ourselves – at least an hour – my excuse for walking the beach when I am near one!! 🙂
When we go back to the basics in all areas of our lives and spend some time breathing, quieting the mind or meditating (so little to no tv) laughing lots, hugging loved ones and having such an attitude of Gratitude for all in your life – we actually do bring in more light – it’s the truth of who we are.
We did not come down here to get hard lessons – we came down here to each remember who we are and to truly step into our own divinity and creatively express who we truly be at a Soul level – and play like it was recess most of the time……..seriously…….who wrote the rules telling us it had to be hard, stressed, enslaved, full of chemicals so that when you could retire then you could have fun???

Honour Life and it will honour you with more life – that is keeping things real – food, thoughts (anything not coming from Love is a BFFL) emotions (same as thoughts) and living your truth – that is how you can shine more light into the world.
Your Heart and Soul are the truth – are you able to hear them? Are you ready to step into the Light – your Light?

If you are stressed, lost, confused, angry, not feeling well or healthy, or doing what you need to to pay the bills ( trust me I know all of these) then you have lost the connection………it’s never too late or too hard to re-connect!!
YOU deserve it – after all it is YOUR life!!
Much Love and Gratitde