Your Truth

You may or may not know your truth at a core level …..yet…….
‘We are Spiritual beings in a Human body suffering from amnesia’……..we truly forget who we are. We are living in the 3 dimension reality – that everyone adapts to that allows for duality and separation.
We have been enslaved in a system of false beliefs that don’t work for many of us – look around most people are sick, on auto pilot, judging, competing, self loathing, addictions are high or just extremely unhappy – where is the joy, bliss and love?
As long as our ‘ego mind leads and the heart is closed, the connection to our Soul is blocked most of the time.
The Soul of our being is our true essence.
We are not our bodies.
We are not our minds therefore our thoughts.
We are not our stories.
We are not our circumstances.
Yet look around and ask ‘How are we truly living?’
Our society praises the logical mind and looks at any of us that use or have strong intuition as ‘weird or different – being different and not fitting in here is not always easy. Yet the whole system is based on fear and being plugged into the matrix.
The illusion of duality in the third dimension allows us to experience light and darkness, good and bad, joy and despair, better and worse. Actually the only choice we have: Love or fear. – in ALL that we think, feel or do.
As a Spiritual being – even with amnesia – the truth is love – everything else is a big fat fucking lie.
Choose Love and start with Self!