Beach Time

Nothing calls me louder than going to the beach!! Why don’t I live there? Not 100% sure, as I lived there in Canada for several years and never got tired of it! Had to get some inspiration and new perspectives – I always find being on the beach does that for me. Here’s just a […]

Believe in your heart that you’re meant to live a life full of passion, purpose, magic and miracles.” ― Roy T. Bennett Be the flame, not the moth.” ― Giacomo Casanova “Passion. It lies in all of us. Sleeping… waiting… and though unwanted, unbidden, it will stir… open its jaws and howl. It speaks to […]
It’s Time………

to start building a new earth – therefore requires new ways of doing things and being. The old is crumbling, being exposed so that new can be birthed and aligned with natural law of do no harm. It may feel different, chaotic, scary as we don’t know what is coming, yet, it will be worth […]
Beyond this Reality

It’s already into January, yes I haven’t been here much lately, but it’s a new year. A new year means a new way of doing things, better yet, for this year a new way of BEing. Most have already moved on from their NY’s resolutions, lets do things differently this year so we can move […]
Soulful Quotes

Heart has no ego or judgment – always listen to your heart, it’s usually much quieter though and needs you to ‘tune’ into it!! Normal is not something to aspire to it is something to run from 🙂 I care more about my relationship wit my inner being than anything else, If I am not […]
IN Spirit sometimes we go through a dark period in our lives, if we don’t resist, don’t fight it, don’t become it, yet dive into it, breath and move through the darkness, we can and will come to a place of being stronger, clearer, and oh so much brighter with much more INspiration Jodi xo […]
7 Day Challenge – Do Something New

7 Day Challenge – Do Something New Ever since doing the 30 Day Photo Challenge, I felt there was something more, something different. I saw this Tedx talk the other day – and I thought to myself what a great idea!! For 365 days, this guy did something new every day, now that is stretching […]

Are just an interesting point of view, it doesn’t mean they’re true! At any time can one open a door to a new possibility, a different reality, a different frequency. At any time can one let go of old stories, hurts judgments shame guilt pain and choose a different door. For all of those […]
F*@# this World, I’m………

Fuck this World Im going to Wonderland!! My Soul wants me to play more with all this insanity going on so I can tap into my creativity more and create art from the heart. Creative expression can then flow to me and thru me allowing it to be birthed!! How are you nurturing your Soul […]
Comfort Zone
Comfort Zone Breaking out of your comfort zone is the pathway to growth. Sometimes we just need to do things differently! Break through the illusion of safety so magic can happen!! Jodi
Feeling Crazy??

Feeling Crazy?? Some people ever go crazy – what truly horrible lives they must lead!! – Charles Bukowski We re here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us! – unknown Don’t be offended when people tell you you’re crazy. Use […]
Mirror Mirror

Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror on the wall Who is the fairest one of all You are my dear I am? Yes As your outside world is just a reflection of Your inside world Therefore, always choose Love Starting with self And watch what happens in your life as long as the Love is pure……….. […]