
Time Time is not money Time is your life or how you spend it. Time is creation, art, consciousness, love or not. Once you use time, There are no refunds or exchanges. Ever. Now, that there’s more time, It may be a good time to reflect on how time is spent. Yes, spent. As it’s […]



Impression This one I call – A Moment in Time After my 30 day self challenge and taking a break from being on the computer so much, I have been searching for some things – what kind of Art Photography do I really want to create. So much of what I have created and still […]

Soul Awakening

Soul Awakening It’s been almost two years since the end of a narcissistic relationship and I can honestly say it was probably one of the best gifts ever given to me because it started me on the path of truly Awakening!! When we truly aren’t on the right path, or going in the right direction […]

What is Your Soul

What is Your Soul Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams: who looks inside awakes.   –  Carl Jung Since I have started a series on Whispers from Your Soul – I thought I better do a post on Soul – and it ain’t […]

My Truth

    “If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite.” —        –  William Blake ‘Find out who you are and be that person.  That’s what your Soul was put on this earth to be.  Find that truth, love that truth and everything else […]


 Soul   Lets get Soul naked, stripping down to our raw selves, leaving prettiness and inhibitions scattered like clothes on the floor.      –  John mark Green She threw away all of her masks and put on her Soul.      –  unknown If only our eyes saw Souls instead of bodies – how […]

Heart and Soul

Heart and Soul   I put my heart and soul into my work, and in the process lost my mind!         – Vincent Van Gogh Once you have come to know how great you are – then your heart, mind and Soul will not let you give up!!      –  Shubhanshu […]

Uranta is Now in North America!!

Uranta Chances are if you are reading this and you live anywhere in North America you haven’t heard of Uranta…….yet!! If you know me or have been following me then you know what I put in and on my body in all forms is important – healthy! So…….what is Uranta? (if you are shopping from […]

Your Light

Your Light   Don’t you know yet? It’s your light that lights the world!!       -Rumi Don’t let negativity and darkness dissolve your light! Each time your embrace the truth of who you are, you bring a little more light into the world! – unknown The Soul has no secret that the behaviour […]

Living Beyond Bondage

Living Beyond Bondage Living Beyond Bondage came about for a Grant Proposal for Photography but mostly  for my 21 Days Food & You – Stop the Insanity Program AND the Raw, Naked and Beautiful Project.  Anyone who suffers from Emotional Eating will understand this and also benefit from the program hugely.  I will be sharing […]

Body Love

Body Love A little body love today!! You are imperfect, permanently and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful.” ― Amy Bloom “The human body is the best work of art.” ― Jess C. Scott “To lose confidence in one’s body is to lose confidence in oneself.” ― Simone de Beauvoir “How beautiful would it be […]

Raw, Naked and Yoga on the Beach

Raw, Naked and Yoga on the Beach   I no longer look for the good in people, I search for the real…….. because good is often dressed in fake clothing, real is naked and proud no matter what the scars!!                               […]