Food & You

Finally, I have released the book  – Food & You – Choose You that I’ve put together and have had out for testing for the last little while!!!

It’s a compilation of all the tools I have used over the years that have made a difference in healing my emotional eating and coming back to more of me.

In my late teens and 20s I struggled with an eating disorder / emotional eating and there really was no help at the time. I then went on to be a Raw Foods Chef – healthy yet extreme and it well it can be anal.

Don’t get me wrong – I am all about health and real foods but not militant like – that is not healthy.

I tried counselling and it just never worked I always left feeling worse than when I walked in.  I’m not saying that it doesn’t work it just didn’t work for me so on my journey I tried many things.

When we succumb to addictions, it’s the inner feelings of  usually low self-worth which is very low self love, love and not wanting to feel pain – usually from childhood – it helps with a relief from it.

That’s been my experience anyways and through the use of these tools and even deeper digging within because I’ve got this unquenchable thirst to keep going and find the truth and some of that was finding more truth of me!!

I had my eyes open to much and learned  that we are not humans we are spiritual beings having a human experience but we walked through the veil of amnesia and into an enslavement society where it actually is  insane and we’re all trying to fit in and it’s f*^@ing ludicrous when you truly step back and gain a bigger perspective.!!

We’re constantly bombarded by advertising reminding us we are not good enough which is utter bullshit as we are all perfectly imperfect and unique and we need to embrace that.

I mean what is perfect and who is perfect anyways??

In this book are some tools that I’ve used along my journey that I have used to interrupt patterns in programs and believes that kept me look into lower vibrations of not good enough, self-hatred and self abuse because let’s face  – it an eating disorder like any other addiction  – alcohol, drugs, sex, shopping, gambling, aren’t in the vibes of love and self love.

Also, the images, left over from my recipe books, have al been encoded with higher frequencies – everything IS energy – so this book was created from Love – I know where you are if you are struggling with emotional eating and I am here to share that you CAN turn this around.  You have too – the world needs you.

The less we buy into the illusions the happier we are and become – those aren’t who we truly are yet we think they are.

The book – Food & You – Choose You  is available on Amazon kindle or my blog in ebook format.

Either way – you will be happy that you got it!!

I know you can do it!!


Much Love


PS – Check out what people are saying about the book here!