Programs & Beliefs are the Matrix

    Unfortunately no one can be told what the Matrix is, you have to see it for yourself. I’m trying to free you mind Neo, but I can only show you the door, you’re the one that has to walk through it. We can never see past the choices we can’t understand. The Matrix […]


Beliefs Beliefs Your conscious desires and your subconscious expectations must align – if they don’t you could have subconscious beliefs that are working against you  – in any area of your life. Ask yourself 3 questions: 1 – What do I want? 2 – What do I have? 3 – WHat thoughts or feelings must […]

The Art of Success

Two weekends ago, a girlfriend and I headed down to Seattle for a weekend with Suzanne Evans and David Neagle for their More Life Tour.    There were other speakers there too of course and they were great, but we have had the priviledge of listening to these two on live calls for several months leading […]


What are your beliefs in life, yourself or your business? Are they empowering or dis-empowering? Look around at your life and the answers are right in front of you. If you like what you see, chances are you have empowering beliefs and if not………well, the good news is that you can change them!! How does […]