
Happy Thanksgiving to ALL my American friends and all the rest as why not make every day full of things to be grateful for!! I called this image Flow but really I should have called it Gratitude – Gratitude for all the beauty nature shares with us every day and in abundance! I am learning […]
Creative Block

Again, it’s been awhile and did I hit a creative block!! My creativity has felt like it didn’t just go into hiding, it actually packed it’s bags and left! I got busy working too much with this frequency device as I got such great results from it to help heal my gut. I couldn’t […]
Beach Time

Nothing calls me louder than going to the beach!! Why don’t I live there? Not 100% sure, as I lived there in Canada for several years and never got tired of it! Had to get some inspiration and new perspectives – I always find being on the beach does that for me. Here’s just a […]
100 Days of Stillness – Day 21

The inner is the foundation of the outer The still is the master of the restless The Sage travels all day yet never leaves his inner treasure ― Laotzu They say that our reality is a reflection of what we are thinking and feeling internally. IF everything is energy, then that makes perfect sense. It’s […]
100 Days of Stillness – Day 20

Connect with and just BE yourself. No labels. Let people see / know the real imperfectly perfect, quirky, beautiful, authentic, magical you that you are. The world needs it! Be Still……….
100 Days of Stillness – Day 19

One of the most beautiful things in life is laughing with someone and realizing at the same time how much you enjoy and appreciate them. We need more joyful laughter and connection these days! Be Still………
100 Days of Stillness – Day 18

“Inner stillness is the key to outer strength.” – Jared Brock Give time and attention to self. Can you truly be alone with yourself and experience the depth of you? Yes, alone. No distractions, wifi, internet, music, food etc Observe how your mind is busy, busy with things, people, ideas, should haves, and more. […]
100 Days of Stillness – Day 17

I think the brain is essentially a computer and consciousness is like a computer program. Depending on what programs you have downloaded and are running, yet also how many viruses there are, determines how everything runs. They are very similar. Everything – it’s all interconnected. Good thing caches can be cleaned, viruses deleted and new […]
100 Days of Stillness – Day 16

Don’t live your life in stress, doubt or fear, Fear of fully being alive, Alive beyond all the labels, masks, programs and should do’s, Only in the stillness can one see beyond the illusion, hear their truth, as it comes from the heart. It’s soft, faint and gentle at first, so one must […]
100 Days of Stillness – Day 15
When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see the real you, or what you have been conditioned to believe is you? The two are so, so different. One is an infinite consciousness capable of being and creating whatever it chooses, the other is an illusion imprisoned by its own perceived […]
100 Days of Stillness – Day 14

Stillness within one individual can affect society beyond measure. Bede Griffiths Be Still………
100 Days of Stillness – Day 13

True intelligence operates silently. Stillness is where creativity and solutions to problems are found. – Eckhart Tolle Be Still……….