Soul – What is it??

Tags: dream, petals, icm, icm photography, creative photography

Imagination is more important than knowledge.    –  Albert Einstein   What if………there is truth to this?? Chapter 1 – A Story of Our Souls – Remembering Love Once upon a time……… In a galaxy far, far away Source (also known as Creation, The Divine, Creator, God, The Field, Infinite Intelligence, etc. whatever you wish […]

Soulful Quotes


Heart has no ego or judgment – always listen to your heart, it’s usually much quieter though and needs you to ‘tune’ into it!! Normal is not something to aspire to it is something to run from 🙂 I care more about my relationship wit my inner being than anything else, If I am not […]


The Street

  If Everything IS Energy, and Energy is constantly moving, maybe there is more than meets the eye between the seen and unseen………. Food for Thought! Jodi