Letting Go
Letting Go Sometimes letting things go Is an act far greater Then defending or hanging on – Eckhart Tolle In the end, only 3 things mattered: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you. – Buddha […]
Making Lemonade
Making Lemonade How often do you get thrown some lemons – you know life’s little hard knocks, or lessons when we aren’t really paying attention!! Are you able to take those lemons and turn them into Lemonade? One of the best ways I have found is to have an attitude of gratitude – no matter […]
Being in the Flow
Being in the Flow….. of YOUR Life Do you ever find yourself bucking the current, struggling to make things happen, not enjoying what you are doing or have a earning for something else? You know that little urge, whisper, feeling that keeps tugging at you, But YOU keep ignoring it, or saying one day or […]