Early Morning
Early Morning Waking up this morning, I smile. Twenty-four brand new hours are before me. I vow to live fully in each moment. -Thích Nhất Hạnh Because of that I got to catch the beautiful early morning sunrise – what a gift. What do you love to see or do that you haven’t been […]
Brightness in Your Life
Brightness in Your Life It’s that time of year again. It’s quiet after the hustle and bustle of Solstice, Christmas, and New Years. The weather may be not great this time of year, especially where I live in Vancouver – lots of rain, grey, dismal. How do you bring in some brightness, some light, fun, or […]
It’s a New Year!!!
It’s a New Year The Trouble is………… you think you have time!!! I have been putting off doing a post trying to sort out the direction of my blog since I had so many personal challenges – good and bad last year. It’s now the 9th of January – time is moving forward whether I […]
It’s Friday………… Make it Fun, Fabulous and Feisty…………why??? Because You can if YOU choose to!!!! JB
6 Minutes to Success
6 Minutes to Success Could that really be true?? Well, I have liked very much what I have seen in the first set of FREE videos, that I want to share with you. As, if this is all you do, it will add value to your life. Then if you like, you can pay $1 […]
Do You Talk to Yourself??
Why things in our live don’t change?? Really? It’s ok to admit it to yourself, we all do it!! (not out loud though!!) We all have at least 60 000 thoughts that go through our head every day, usually the same ones as yesterday and the day before and well, probably the same as a […]