$50 FREE Gift Card for Superfoods

$50 FREE Gift Card for Superfoods $50 FREE Gift Card for Superfoods at Purium – code is eatinghealthy (all one word) I normally don’t advertise like that but with all what is going on in North America with our food and eating healthy has become a make work project that should be easy and it’s […]

Higher Vibe Living with Food


Higher Vibe Living with Food   What does Higher Vibe Living with Food truly mean in our food obsessed culture!!? Since being in Mexico I have been on an exploratory journey – clearing much old energy, old programs, wounds etc and diving much deeper into learning about Quantum Physics, who we truly are, unplugging from […]

Catching Up

Why We Do Yoga Wow what a crazy few weeks!! Mercury is in Retrograde and I decided to go back to Canada during this time -flying – travelling not always a great idea as I found out on my way back!  Lets just say I would never fly United Airlines again and letting others know […]

Jicama & Beet Salad

Jicama & Beet Salad   It’s been quite awhile since I have done a recipe so thought it might be fun to create something simple, yet fresh, raw and oh so tasty – Jicama & Beet Salad. Since being down in Mexico I have been eating so well.  For me, I know the warmth, sunlight […]

Food Gone Crazy

Burnt Food

Food Gone Crazy     LOL – I couldn’t resist putting in this photo – looks like void of life eh? Isn’t that similar to so much of our so called ‘ food’ is these days?? Food Gone Crazy!! If I was just starting out today to change how I was eating towards better healthy, […]

Raw Lemon Macaroons

Raw Lemon Macaroons     Great raw – vegan snack for lemon and coconut lovers!! Easy to make, but a dehydrator is needed to maintain being raw.  I have fallen in love with Macaroons lately and have been playing with recipes that I love!!  I hope you will too!!  Raw Lemon Macaroons   –  4 […]

Raw Noodles with Coconut Lime Dressing

Noodles with Coconut Lime Dressing Raw Vegan style for this recipe!! Whats kind of cool about eating more raw foods, natural foods, (yes even superfoods) is once you learn a few ‘new’ things, food preparation and clean up is a lot less – I do not miss washing dishes that have baked on stuff – […]

Raw Banana Chocolate Macaroons

Raw Banana Chocolate Macaroons   My recent love has been for raw Macaroons – any flavour!!  This recipe is quick, raw,(therefore vegan and gluten free) tasty and doesn’t need to be dehydrated. Can be a great little snack or a desert! Keep in an air tight container in the fridge and oh my great to […]

Does Natural Mean Healthy??

Does Natural Mean Healthy?? As you may (or may not) know I have been travelling for the past 6 weeks. In that traveling time we found out about the Anaheim Natural Food Expo and what an adventure!! Glad we stayed the extra days – 3 full days – and we only saw a little more […]

A Different Kind of Kale

A Different Kind of Kale   The other night I had a bit of a craving and decided to mix this up and see how it tasted!!  Oh boy, there was a little party going on in my mouth!!  It was exactly what I was in the mood for.  It also made me realize how […]

Alive with Energy

Alive with Energy There is a saying – ‘You Are What You Eat’. Just by looking at this piece of Kiwi is it not screaming out fresh, alive, vibrancy, health, taste? Take a second today and look at what you are deciding to put into YOUR body and what is it screaming out? Is it […]