Books by Donation

Amazing & Tasty Vegan Recipes by Jodi Burke

Not sure if you know or not, but over the course of the last 10 years, I wrote some ebooks  / kindle books along the way. They coincide with different stages in my life, being into energy therapies, vegan / raw foods, holistic health,  alternative things, yoga, photography, spirituality, EFT ( & many other modalities), […]

Black Friday Sale

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted I know :), I’ve been busy learning new art and brewing alot of Kombucha – another healthy form of being creative!! Wishing ALL my American friends a very Happy Thanksgiving and friends everywhere, I am grateful for being in my life, connecting with me here or anywhere else.  I […]

Book Sale

                    Yes there is a book sale starting and I am inviting you!! 🙂 You probably don’t know that I have created and written 6 ebooks / kindle. I know right??!! From food to yoga to our souls!!   The first ones were Eating Healthy Made Easy   […]

A Different Perspective

A Different Perspective Good and Bad are just different perspectives.  The truth is nothing.      –  Bhavesh Chhatbar Remember, perspective can cause 2 people to look at the same thing and see 2 totally different things.      –  Gail Lynne Goodwin Sometimes the only reason for us to be somewhere else is to […]

Uranta is Now in North America!!

Uranta Chances are if you are reading this and you live anywhere in North America you haven’t heard of Uranta…….yet!! If you know me or have been following me then you know what I put in and on my body in all forms is important – healthy! So…….what is Uranta? (if you are shopping from […]


Cleansing It’s been a little bit since I posted, I actually have been doing some cleansing – physically, emotionally and therefore spiritually as well. I went down to Florida for 2 weeks and while I was there, everything I ate felt like 3 bagels in the stomach – so my digestion was off and so […]

Atabal Drumming Project

Atabal Drumming Project Since staying in the Ajijic area of Mexico I have had the chance the meet some amazing people by being part of the Yoga community and getting out to some events and meeting people.  Through the Drishti Center and Ana (an awesome teacher and connector) my name got passed on to meet […]

My Soul Wanted Growth

My Soul Wanted Growth My Soul Wanted Growth……..have you ever been in a situation that maybe didn’t make sense to you at the time but looking back on it later the clarity is more vivid?   In December when I came down to Mexico to house sit, in the first 2 weeks I was here […]

Raising Your Vibration

Raising Your Vibration What does raising your vibration mean to begin with!? Everything is Energy – Science is proving that, Quantum Physics is proving that – from the chair you sit in, to the plate you eat off, the kind of food you do eat, the thoughts you think and the feelings you feel. When […]

Yin Yoga

Check out Ebook: Why We Do Yoga

Yin Yoga Have you ever tried a Yin Yoga class? Years ago there you would have never found me doing a Yin class – but that is when I probably needed it the most. I was always busy doing something and on the go.  I did a lot in my day, I was busy doing and […]

Why We do Yoga is Now on Amazon

Check out Ebook: Why We Do Yoga

Why We do Yoga is Now on Amazon   It’s true!  Why We Do Yoga is now available on Amazon kindle.  Later this year it will be out in hard copy and it’s also available on my site in ebook fashion! My intention behind this book was to create great awareness of why we do, […]

Why We do Yoga

Check out Ebook: Why We Do Yoga

Why We do Yoga Why We do Yoga came to me after a Temazcal one night in Mexico – Mexican sweat load ceremony. After the ceremony and back home, I was sitting out on the patio in a chair hammock slowly moving around, it was dark and the stars were out, there was a gentle […]