ICM – How to

I have had a few people contact me lately asking how to do ICM Photography., so I thought I would do a quick intro. ICM – Intentional Camera Movement is just that. It is moving the camera while taking a photo. Yes, you get to break all the rules of traditional photography, for some that […]

I spent last week in a Photoshop Summit – to say I am overwhelmed is an understatement but also very excited at the same time – my world just got bigger!! lol I have a ton of creative ideas in my head and yes I started shooting some of them, and spent last week learning […]
The Tides

Tides are always coming and going, sometimes ever so softly, sometimes more strongly, but always in motion, and just being. The tides are about to change, stay calm and grounded from within, and choose from a place of Love, not Fear and all will be fine, eventually!! Jodi xo PS – I know, this too […]
Earth & Art

Earth without Art is just eh! – unknown Painting with my camera (ICM – Intentional Camera Movement)is fun and gets my creativity flowing!! We need more fun, joy and creativity in the world now more than […]
ICMing in the Garden

ICMing? Intentional Camera Movement During this past 15 months, and lock downs and quiet time, some of my creativity I felt was not there, yet I truly did enjoy the quiet and slowing down for a bit. I thought I would expand my creative juices in other areas since I also could not do Encaustic. […]
Valentines Day
It’s very interesting how we get programmed!! A day called Valentines Day to celebrate love for one another – to buy cards (thanks Hallmark), chocolates, roses, dinners out. But, is that really true love? Why only one day? Why a ‘special’ day? Love should be celebrated every day freely with NO commercial ‘value’ attachment. Unconditional […]
The Ocean

The Ocean WE, as HUman BEings are all droplets of water and the ocean is the Infinite Awareness (Creator, Source, IA etc) When the droplet connects with the ocean where does the droplet end and the ocean start? It’s called Oneness and Infinite Love. We ARE all connected. It’s time to remember the truth of […]
Beyond the Linear

What I love about Impressionistic Photography is it takes one beyond the linear, into possibility and expansion beyond the ordinary. Which is what Energy is ALL about. The world needs a greater level of consciousness, which is awareness, creativity, uniqueness (not conformity), beauty & love. Can you imagine that?? Jodi PS – Not sure what […]

If Everything IS Energy, and Energy is constantly moving, maybe there is more than meets the eye between the seen and unseen………. Food for Thought! Jodi
Soul Art

What is Soul Art? We are seeing the word Soul used more and more these days, yet do we really connect with the meaning of it? Soul – the essence of a living BEing. It is consciousness at a higher form that is part of Source (Creator, God, The Field etc) Why is it so […]
The Sunset – New Work
I had a little show at a cafe / gallery – El Gato Feo Cafe in Ajijic, Mexico this past Saturday. The work is now up on my site and is available for sale. These will be limited prints. The Sunset One Sunset One Pier One Night One Camera One Girl yet, so many […]
Eye of the Storm

The cyclone derives it’s power from a calm centre. So does a person!! – Norman Vincent Peale Jodi Ps – To see more artwork click here check out the book A Story of Our Souls