Intentions vs Resolutions
Intentions vs Resolutions Happy 2018 – what a fantastic year it’s going to be!! Now that we are a few days into the New Year how are your NY’s Resolutions going? What do I mean exactly by Intentions vs Resolutions? I did say in my last post I would share – here goes. Most people […]
Getting Thru the Holidays
Getting Thru the Holidays Sometimes the holidays can tempt us, push us over or strengthen us. I hope this helps you find a little more strength or determination not to go over board during the holidays so that come January it’s a breeze!! It seems like we go overboard in many areas during the holidays […]
Holidays A couple of weeks ago I took my kids down to visit and help celebrate my dad’s birthday in Florida. It was perfect timing as we all could use a break, and in less than a week my son boards the plane to take off on travels to Europe for at least 3 months………mixed […]