It’s Been awhile…….

Hi, I know, I’ve been pretty quiet for awhile. I have gone through some deep internal shifts and ready to emerge, I mean after all it is spring right?? 🙂 Something in my life was not in the flow, and even though I have been down a healing path for awhile and trying to shake […]

I’ve been contemplating the concept of work for a while now. I mean, did we truly descend to Earth just to engage in jobs that many of us find unfulfilling or tolerate simply for the sake of money, which also consumes the majority of our days and consequently, our time? How much fun is that? […]
Through the Lens of Life

ICM and the Kaleidoscope of Perspectives In the world of photography, there exists an enchanting technique that transcends mere visuals—Intentional Camera Movement Photography, or ICM. It’s a dance of light, a waltz of hues, and an orchestra of fleeting moments, all captured in a single frame. Yet, beyond the lens, ICM has a profound metaphorical […]

Imagination I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free. Michelangelo I like nonsense; it wakes up the brain cells. Dr. Seuss The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless. Jean-Jacques Rousseau Imagination is our super power, learn to use it as it is not […]

Sometimes I think that we are living in a simulation controlled by the reigns of a destructive child who often gets bored or distracted, leaving us trapped inside feedback loops for years at a time. so why not spend your time doing things that bring resonance and coherence!!
ICM Photography & the Non-Linear Reality

Intentional Camera Movement (ICM) is a fascinating technique in photography that allows for a departure from the traditional, linear approach to capturing images. It’s a means of breaking free from the constraints of a static, realistic representation of the world. Let’s explore the creative and liberating aspects of ICM and how it can be a […]

People often inquire about my journey into ICM photography. My answer is a playful one, driven by curiosity and a desire to break all the rules. “I mean,” I tell them, “these days, everyone and their phone is a photographer.” But I am decidedly old school. My roots lie in the film days, wielding cameras […]
Break the Cycle

Breaking Free In our quest for personal growth and transcending limitations, it’s crucial to break free from the monotonous cycle of daily life. Often, we find ourselves caught in a loop, operating on autopilot. The key to liberate ourselves lies in initiating pattern breaks or interruptions in our routine. The established patterns in our lives […]
The Power Within

I read a very interesting post the other day, but the part that really caught my attention was this – ‘It’s a battle of power vs force. We have the real power; the divine, eternal power with which the universe was created. The other side doesn’t have it, it needs to use force, trickery, gimmicks, […]
ICM – How to

I have had a few people contact me lately asking how to do ICM Photography., so I thought I would do a quick intro. ICM – Intentional Camera Movement is just that. It is moving the camera while taking a photo. Yes, you get to break all the rules of traditional photography, for some that […]

Springtime is such a beautiful time. Everything comes to live after the winter months. Everything has it’s cycles. New beginnings, planting seeds, more aliveness. The one thing I love is all the flowers and their beauty! Which, many of us take for granted, walk past, too busy on our phones to notice the artistry, the […]
Left – Right Brain

I watched an interesting talk about the left and right brain and they affect ourselves and also society. What jumped out the most at me was the left side sees things as separate, everything is a separate thing – Everything, it’s linear, logical, doesn’t question, follows science so things like that. The right sees everything […]