Mexico It’s been awhile since I’ve posted any photos of Mexico. As I wander around some small villages and towns were is so much to see! I have found Mexicans to be quite friendly, happy and even though some are very poor still smile and say Good Morning!! No matter where we are in […]
Being Present
Being Present ‘Nothing is more important than being in the present moment – fully alive, fully aware.’ Nhat Hanh Wherever you are Be There – it’s all we have is the present moment – the past is over and the future is not here yet. Just like in […]
Taking Responsibility
Taking Responsibility! The more you take responsibility for your past and present, the more you are able to create the future you seek. If you’re feeling stuck in any area of your life, take responsibility for your part in the situation – this was a hard one for me – learning that even the crap […]
Challenging Self
Challenging Self Do days go by, or weeks maybe even years……and you find yourself doing the same old same old? Are you happy doing what you’re doing? Do you drive the same way to work, eat the same breakfast or lunch every day, or is every Tuesday chicken and rice night, you know what I […]
Juicy Living
Juicy Living What does Juicy Living mean to you? Are you bored? Doing the same old same old? Going the same way to work each day? Eating the same foods every day? Watching the same tv shows? Are you really living the life you want to? What thing could you do differently to shake up […]